Ah, going with the quantum bogo sort then.
Ah, going with the quantum bogo sort then.
I’m kind of curious if this would work if you already have implants. With those being screwed into the bone would it do enough damage to prevent growing a tooth in that location?
Only noticeble side effect is I’m less hungry which is fine because i like to intermittent fast anyways.
Same here and I love it. It makes intermittent fasting so easy but it also doesn’t stop me from eating. I just don’t get hungry every 30 min anymore. My psych was telling me how loss of appetite could be a symptom that I need to keep an eye on and I was just like “Doc, I’m over 270 lbs. I could do with a reduced appetite.” Sure enough I’ve been losing slightly over 1lb per week with no real effort and I’m still eating at least one full meal per day and usually two.
I only recently got diagnosed with ADHD as well and I 100% feel you.
I got through highschool with a C average because I aced all my tests and did no homework. I flunked out of college because I would frequently get to campus and then be stuck sitting in my vehicle unable to make myself actually get out and go to class. I got diagnosed with depression and spent the next decade cycling through various antidepressants that sometimes seemed to do something but never actually fixed what was wrong with me. I talked to my gen prac about if it could be ADHD and he shot me down immediately. I tried to get in to see a psych but everywhere was so booked up that I couldn’t even get on a waiting list. I went bankrupt, nearly lost my house, and only kept my job through some miracle because some years I missed more work days than I actually worked. I had no social life. I was a hermit and only refrained from serving myself the Kurt Cobain breakfast special because my mom would be sad.
Then one day about 3 months ago my only remaining friend said that their psychiatrist had openings and I got in there. I took one test and he said I definitely have ADHD. I got put on aderall and immediately everything clicked into place. I could think. My brain stopped perpetually screaming incoherently at me. I could actually make myself do things. If there was something I needed to do then I could just go and do it without sitting there locked up for hours telling myself that I need to do it and doing nothing. I could go to work. I could talk to people. I could begin organizing the disaster I had turned my life into, plan a way out, and actually follow through on that plan. I’m applying for new real jobs. I’m grooming myself. I’m paying my bills. I’m ~working on~ socializing. I’m losing weight. I’m eating healthier. I’m getting hobbies as my still limited income allows. I can actually live my life. It is exhilarating and depressing at the same time because like you said, where would I be if I had actually been treated a decade ago? Where would I be if I hadn’t spent the past 10 years sabotaging myself? There’s the exhilaration of finally being free but I’m also mourning the loss of what could have been.
Now I’m in the process of going off the antidepressants I had most recently been on to see how I do just on the adderall and even in the middle of withdrawls I feel far better than I ever had in close to a decade. Yes I was depressed but that depression was because I looked around me and saw people succeeding where for me even the simplest tasks felt like trying to drag myself through a pile of broken glass. As soon as I was able to actually function and meet my own expectations of myself that depression seems to have vanished.
Yes, but building codes and city ordinances still apply. Owning the property doesn’t just exempt you from laws.
Exactly, overall it sounds like a great law to have on the books because fuck ads. But there are going to be edge cases like this. In this case the mural obviously shouldn’t be considered an ad but that needs to be decided on a case by case basis in court which it sounds like is what is happening.
The law limits the size of advertizing displays. If the mural is considered an ad then it is too large. Over all it’s probably a good law to have because nobody likes when the entire town is plastered with billboards, but there are going to be edge cases like this where it doesn’t make sense.
Cows also tend to be very curious. If you walk into a pasture and start doing something weird then most of the cows will usually run over to see what you’re doing.
It could have just been a person running through the woods and the cows were running after them to see where they were going.
My new excuse is, “I only know linux, I don’t know anything about windows.”
I once quit one of my antidepressants (venlafaxine) cold turkey and got to feel my brain throb nonstop for a month straight.