No, but I didn’t want the headache of multiple peripherals, and when you’re 15, it’s hard to convince a parent to spring for more expensive options out of convenience lol. There were options, but even still, some games didn’t come with native controller support (I built my 1st PC in college in…2013? for ESO, and the controller support was through a mod, and it barely worked at the best of times).
Theyve just gotten so similar in their function, it’s increasingly hard to justify a console anymore. Microsoft basically forgoing exclusives now only strengthens it
I think a lot of it is that it’s direction was a bit different. Halo was built on basically immortal Master Chief. Reach had Spartan 3s, which weren’t as “Master Chief”-y, and we see every one of em die on screen as part of the story. That is a pretty stark contrast to Chief never dying. Additionally, if IIRC, the multiplayer was meh, and multiplayer was a huuuuge deal at that time. The story was great (even despite what people said about it at the time) but the multiplayer didn’t carry the game, so it was generally a “play the story, go back to Halo 3” kinda game.
My perspective on it, tho.