You’ve got a point there too. Nothing is entirely unbiased, and he definitely leans left. However the entire schtick is kinda, give a person a microphone and let them say their piece. He spends an equal amount of time at Free Palestine rallies and Proud Boys conventions, very rarely dubbing in disclaimers about the validity of a statement the interviewee made.
And recently he’s started including guest reporters, like a Mexico native to talk to the workers and patrons of a red light district near the border, and citizens in Israel and Palestine interviewing the respective populations to get some insight into their feelings on the genocide.
In conclusion, it’s good content and good journalism. Give it a chance some time!
Give it time, too. I didn’t discover I’m an absolute fishing fiend until I was 28, and now I’m out with my dad as often as we can. Same with woodworking and building stuff, I picked that all up when I bought a house.
Do I wish I had known this about myself when we lived together? Of course, but I’d be a very different person I suspect and I like who I am.