Das Ziel sollte die liegende Acht sein
Das Ziel sollte die liegende Acht sein
Yes, it is called !trendingcommunities@feddit.nl
Is it now on a usb 2.0 port? Sometimes, some device “don’t like” usb 3.X
I second Mull. Fennec is okay as well.
Kommandozeile ist der Weg
Ziemlich sicher, ja. Wir haben einige Zeit auf die Bestimmung verwandt.
Oder du bist nen Schwarzkopf ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Ich weiß, aber zurück in Deutschland hatten wir auch keine Probleme mit unseren Weapen.
Relatively, i would say. Otherwise, see my other comment below.
Also wir hatten letztes Jahr ein Erdnest der gemeinen Wespe im Garten, direkt an der Terasse, wo wir uns auch regelmäßig aufgehalten haben und nahe der Tür. Haben das Nest nahezu täglich geflutet, weil es sich beim Pflanzen wässern einfach nicht vermeiden ließ. Wir wurden kein Mal auch nur gestört durch die Wespen. Dann sind wir nach Belgien gefahren, innerhalb von 7 Tagen wurde unser Sohn, obwohl er jedesmal erstarrte und überhaupt nicht provozierte, ein mal ins Gesicht gestochen und einmal sogar ins Gesicht gebissen. Außerdem wurden wir mehrmals von den Viechern von Orten vertrieben.
Also Adam’s Apples (Adams æbler) and if you like that also The Green Butchers.
Hot Fuzz. One of the best movies of all time.
Your little “for better” will almost certainly morph into including things you don’t like given time.
So nothing, huh? Who is constructing a straw man here?
It is really simple. You can’t use your rights to violate the rights of other people. That is not your right. There is plenty of room left for discussing all kind of stuff, no matter how controverse or delicate it is. But otherwise some actions performed under “free speech” could even hinder people to use their own right of free speech.
What part in my “giant philosophical post” (lol) is about shutting down opinions I don’t like?
Fuck off with your ads
There seems to be a rather widespread misconception of the term “free speech”. Free speech does not mean that you are allowed to say everything.
Say you work for a government or a company and you know something that is classified. Are you allowed to say that because “free speech”? No, of course not.
Say there is a group of people who wants to kill a person, but they don’t know where to find that person. But you know and you tell them. Are you allowed to do that because “free speech”? No, of course not.
Say you’re a doctor and you know something about the condition of one of your patients. Are you allowed to post about their illness on social media? No, of course not.
Free Speech is no magic super-right that stands above all other rights. Free speech has to be limited in favor of other rights of other persons, and it is everywhere. There are difference in how much is tolerated, in the US it is pretty much, in Germany holocaust denial is a criminal offense for example.
And that is another reason why you can’t have unmoderated social media. Some things are simply not allowed, for better.
No, since every monkey would take a while to finish one book. Even if infinite monkeys would do it at thr same time.
And, if we digg deeper, even infinitly many monkeys could fail in one go, if infinitly many would write the same book and only finitely many another, then they could create only shit books. And as this could happen almost every time, you’d better have an infinite amount of time as well.
Sweden has seen massive increases in violent crime and poverty ever since they started allowing anyone in.
That is wrong. Crime has slightly increased due to more population in general.
America has a very similar policy with immigrants
No, it hasn’t and never had.
less Sweden until they clean up their policies that are turning their country into the third world
You’re way more in danger of that in your corposucking neoliberal shithole.
Ein Stream bei spotify muss mindestens 30 Sekunden lang sein, dann gibt es Kohle. Wenn jemand länger hört macht das monetär keinen Unterschied. Für mich als Künstler schon, ich mache das nicht wegen des Geldes, sondern ich freue mich, wenn das, was ich geschaffen habe, Menschen gefällt.
Edit: Quickly checked an article from Mike Kuketz (german): https://www.kuketz-blog.de/firefox-datensendeverhalten-android-app-f-droid-version-browser-check-teil6/
Fennec contacts mozilla servers to get new lists for the anti fingerprinting and anti tracking technologies. Also xml files with info about vulnarabilities etc. It sends not much.
Google is contacted when you have google as standard search provider and search suggestions active.
Otherwise no tracking etc