This makes me hopeful, I just started a new job and I’m killing it, but I know it won’t be long before the excitement dies and the ADHD boogeyman comes rearing his ugly head.
This makes me hopeful, I just started a new job and I’m killing it, but I know it won’t be long before the excitement dies and the ADHD boogeyman comes rearing his ugly head.
Well then, I guess I’m officially diagnosed
Just depends on the ADayHD
Why are you all doing this to me? :-(
Their cumming what?
Pokémon art for the pals, Ark style gameplay
Also batteries lose capacity, making them finite as well
I feel you, I had to put my wife of 15 years down as well
Since it’s one or the other, we can assume the objective value of the red pill is $10mil. So, you take the blue pill and use that $10mil to make another $10mil and then you buy the red pill and save it until you’re about to die in a boss battle.
Instructions unclear, I am pregernate
And there are only 2000 fluent speakers of Hawaiian, let’s go colonialism!
‘Okina only precede vowels and I think you’re confused about pahoahoa, it’s pahoehoe. Good job on a‘a, though!
Yeah, I can hardly see the porn under all that text
Keep your links, I’m going back to askjeeves
Not before Skyrim: Fuck You Buy This Again Edition
Roko’s Modern Strife
Can’t you just not connect the smart tv to the internet and make it a dumb tv?
I’m not gonna click the link because I wanna guess. Isn’t it Nassau?
Silence is violets