How do you have a SmartGrid if the nodes aren’t able to communicate with each other or log data?
How do you have a SmartGrid if the nodes aren’t able to communicate with each other or log data?
YouTube…that reminds of a conversation I had here on Lemmy a while back. The subject of right wing political content on YouTube came up and I had the same “I don’t encounter that” comment that I just made in regards to Mastadon.
After a bit of back and forth I realized that I don’t engage with political content of any type on YT so the algorithm doesn’t push it at me. It seems that YT doesn’t do a good job of classifying political content as to its lean. So once you start engaging with political content the algorithm starts suggesting all kinds of it.
It’s the same with social justice and racial issues. I don’t engage with that kind of content on YT or Mastadon, don’t see it my feeds, and it’s not being pushed at me by the algorithm.
I don’t know if that explains it completely but there has to be some reason(s) why some of us don’t see this stuff while other people see it all the time.
I apologize for misreading your post.
Like you I’m confused at the continual cries of racism on Mastadon. I’ve been on there for months and never seen it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist but I’m confused as to how it is “full of racists/white supremacists” but I never bump into them or see it.
I don’t want to doubt anyone’s experience but I’m at a loss to explain why my feed is so different from other peoples.
I don’t need a B580 but I’m considering buying one just to show support. It’d sure be nice to have a valid budget option.
This is one reason Western nations ripped out Chinese 5G network appliances a couple years ago.
They were supposed to but here in the US as of mid-2024 some 40% of them hadn’t yet done so. I wonder how far the RotW has gotten with it.
I haven’t seen it discussed but I do wonder if this is at the root of the Telco hack the US experienced / is still experiencing.
Edit: The EU nations are very much a mixed bag and some of the largest EU countries, such as Germany, not only still have Huawei gear in their 5G networks but it doesn’t have to be removed until the end of 2026!
Intel’s 5 series GPUs are meant for the low-middle to middle range of the market. They are targeted at 1440p (and under) gaming and the B580 with 12G of VRAM will almost certainly perform perfectly fine.
If you are more concerned about performance but are on a budget then wait for the eventual 7 series ARC GPU or grab a 4060ti.
Two days ago BlueSky was adding more users in an hour than Mastodon was per week.
Not much different than it is now. Batteries are used by a large number of industries in a wide variety of products and mind bogglingly vast sums of money have been spent on improving them for the last century.
50s / M / North America and I lived “Ye Old Days” when A/S/L was created.
Huh, this is pretty interesting. I wonder if there’s a way to set an Android device to auto-reboot if it hasn’t had a network connection or been unlocked after a preset length of time.
If they show up I hand out the candy and I’ve been doing it that way for decades. No telling some kid or teens situation in life and there’s no need in making it harder on them.
I didn’t know about Canada and after thinking about it for a minute the United States does something similar for the States with .gov. Many, if not all, States have their own subdomain such as,, and
Honestly it’s always seemed wrong and somewhat confusing that non-country specific TLDs, such as .gov, are dedicated to the United States.
I’m assuming .io just stands for Indian Ocean in this case
British Indian Ocean Territory, it was just shortened to .io so it would fit into the naming scheme.
That’s a great question and the answer can be found in the wikipedia entry for the .uk domain.
In a nutshell the volunteer “Naming Committee” setup back in 1985 established a rule that entities needed to register into specific subdomains based on entity type such as .co, where the .co part stood for “Company”. They did this to make managing registrations easier and to provide an “at a glance” way to see what kind of website you were visiting (commercial, government, charity, etc). The “Naming Committee” was extremely strict about ensuring that domains were registered to a specific entity and in the correct subdomain.
By the mid-90s the volunteer “Naming Committee” was entirely overwhelmed by the sheer volume of domains being registered so that volunteer group was replaced by Nominet UK. Nominet didn’t open the .uk TLD to registration until 2014 and by then the subdomain thing ( was so embedded into the United Kingdom’s internet structure that it had become tradition and NOT using was confusing to many people.
There’s more subdomains than just .co as well and both wikipedia articles I linked list them.
tl;dr .uk absolutely exists in the UK, it’s just used differently than almost anywhere else in the world.
Dammit! Why did I mistype that?
Obviously it should be RHPS. Sigh.
If you ever decide you want to see it please for the love of Tim Curry don’t watch it on TV.
The only way to experience the RHPS is at a theater, movie or stage, with a floor show. Without the floor show you will not get what makes RHPS an adored Cult Classic. Seriously, the floor show is what makes (or breaks) the experience.
If you walk into the show and you’re not surrounded by people in costumes spouting weird lines, or if you don’t see them in the aisles within the first 90 seconds of the show starting then you may as well get up and leave.
Edit: Fixed my typo’s as pointed out by
We have the electoral college, the senate, and gerrymandering.
The outsized effect of the EC and Gerrymandering have a very simple fix. I wonder why Democrats never talk about it?
It’s sad you have no third strong grassroots movement,
One of the few things that both Democrats and Republicans work together on is making sure that there are no viable third parties. They make it extraordinarily difficult to get ballot access at any level whenever possible and on the odd occasion that a 3rd party candidate does make it into office they pull out all the stops to make sure they lose the next election.
The President has too much fscking power and civil liberty people have been shouting about it for more than 20 years now.