Bethesta has the worst of both worlds.
Bethesta has the worst of both worlds.
Where are the: “just make an account bro” people now? Probably pre ordering skyrim the definite edition
Who doesn’t want to collect virtual garbage for hours
80 dollar game btw
Tayler swift is the biggest musician in the history, that doesn’t make her music good.
I really liked new vegas bavk in the day. But didn’t really care for Bethesda themselves. I never looked at anything fallout 4 before it was released, because i didn’t care. On launch day i had an injury and was bored, so i blindly bought fallout 4. This was the weirdest experience i ever had. I relaunched the game like 3 times because i thought i bought the wrong fallout or some rip off, because the game looks disgusting. Or pretty good for Bethesda standards. I had no idea what was going on because some quests were broken and a lot of things didn’t work, texures missing and all that good stuff. But according to fans this was a 9.5/10 game. I don’t know what’s up with these people.
If you have to ask that you have no idea how metric works
You don’t need to weight water if you don’t use a measurement system from the dark ages.
People learned that they don’t want to educate their kids either, because it’s hard and annoying
I remember in 8th grade we got our first really serious big assignment. My teacher specifically looked at me and said: you have 8 weeks to do this, you’ll need 8 weeks to do this, this isn’t one of these things where you can start a week before it’s due and pass.
All i heard was that i can pass wjen i start 2 weeks before.
I started on the friday before, so i still had 3 good days. But saturday, my friend wasn’t home from whom i needed the book from to do my assignment, so i still had the whole sunday. I got an A and learned that school is a scam
Pocerty is crazy. When i grew up, i didn’t really know any poor people. The closest i got was a family that moved here from Sarajevo, because they had a war going. They weren’t poor, because we have a good safety net for things like that (for the most part.) when i got older, there was the occasional beggar in the city. When i was 20 ish, i went to canada for two weeks, and ithey had not only more beggars, they had different beggars. Like i have never seen someone going through a garbage bin to find food. I talked to a guy in a suit who was eating a donut that i threw away. He lost his job like 3 weeks ago and was on the street pretty much from one week to another. I’m not shitting on canada at all, it was just the first time that i left europe.
It’s a thought experiment, calm your titts
That thing came out of the gates obsolete
I really thought that they are just gonna sell non of them. Apparently there is a market.
Maybe you are projecting if you see a moustache and think of a child predator
Dnepends if you have a NASA pc
Poor poor multi millionaires
Ray parker’s Ghostbusters is inspired by huey lewis and the new’s i want a new drug. But actually it’s just blatant plagiarism. Is it okay because a human did it?
I grinded crab champions super hard to get diamond rank. This game is just too much fun. I pucked up scrap mechanic again after playing it for 1 haur a few years ago. So far we both enjoy it quite a bit.
Yeah, one would really think