Things can get better. Theres a saying; third time’s the charm.
Gutting rent outta poor folk.
Im in a bad mood. I cant speak for others. But the world is fucked up.
Its not that much work, i managed my exs snap and tinder before onlyfans was a thing and got ridiculous amounts of money. It was quiet sad.
You dont uber eats then, because at no point do they do any of that.
Pic reminds me of the cat cafe down the road. Your comment reminds me of the cat park in the town i grew up in. You can dump out a few piles of food then 20-70 cats/raccoons/ and possums would come out of the trees to eat. It was a wonderful place
Air purifiers are your friend. They drastically reduce dust and make every room feel better.
Thats a given, theres no way AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet’s wife wouldnt already know this.
Other then fuck gamefreak and nintendo? Nothing really because im not suprised.
But marvel some how takes up 9 spots on the list. Its a terrible list if they overlap. Marvel is one of the tops if correct.
Jury nullification would be nice.
I thought of elden ring more so of the patent. Palworld wasnt as smooth as summoning torrent, but it felt very similar.
Okay but maple story was a free to play mmo. How else were they gonna make money if they didnt sell costumes. Now if im not mistaken they expired correct? Thats bullshit i agree.
You say that, but the one person i know thats on herion litteraly can not walk because of a fucked up nerve in their back. I dont shame her a bit because i dont think i could live in wheelchair like she does.
It makes you not feel pain, if that’s worth it then maybe?
An ex once went off on my for having used oh im on the spectrum as a valid reason for why i act the way i do. They said as long as i believe i am then i would act on my thoughts and idea then find moments where i go yup im autistic.
Well i stopped saying it, or reallt thinking about it and i feel like some of my personality traits i didn’t care for got better, or maybe i just dont carry a negative attachment to them anymore.
I personally think of the spectrum as something everyone is obviously on, just at different parts or to more extremes. What worked for me might not work for you.
Haha my shitting 30 second drawing is sooo bad. Idc.
I once had a son when i came to early when my bed riser fell over. The bed completely tilted to one corner and the jolt just did it.