Came here from Reddit, can see some stuff from me there too
So…Just have curses be permanent? Why?
It’s a thing about Law, specifically the realm of Law, Mechanus, who’s power I would guess they carry with them.
One of the (I think optional in 5e) realm rules for Mechanus is you do not make attack rolls. Instead, you treat any roll as a 10 and add your stat and proficiency as the realm removes the idea of random chance and focuses on clockwork regularity. Even damage die default to their average, which makes combat a lot more straight forward but also means you can come up on something you literally cannot hurt.
There’s a handy common level magic item in Xanathar’s Guide, called the Clockwork Amulet, which let’s you skip an attack roll and just take it as a ten, and do so once per day (No attunement, resets at sunrise). It’s a good thing in certain situations
He rose to godhood a century ago using six magical crystal gems, and in doing so both felled an Orc god and an evil Orc champion, the foul Ho’Gann
I remember a point where Magneto trapped Red Skull in a metal bunker underground with just bare minimum supplies then sealed the place
From our campaign sheet, the Church of Macho Madness is Chaotic Good, Light Domain
I honestly didn’t even stop to think it was magic. My Autumn side just made a donation of 2 plat to the church (Of the Gnomish kindly trickster god, who teaches and takes. Temple was more like a comfy little home with a fireplace), made a prayer and the old lady minding the place from her rocking chair gave me a flute