Unlike you mere peasants all of my pilots are ranked as land viscounts or higher
Unlike you mere peasants all of my pilots are ranked as land viscounts or higher
Honestly, fuck Microsoft, I fucking hate their user abusive practices, but I feel like that would be illegal to some degree or at least actionable and some sort of way.
Do you have any evidence that they are collecting that much data in telemetry?
I bought a Samsung mono laser and printed approximately 400 pages on it before the fusor broke and would cost more than the entire printer did to replace.
I was past the 6-month warranty as well so I chucked it and bought a $10 Brother MFC-7860dw monoprinter from the thrift store that printed in the store.
It turned out that it would jam like the grateful Dead if it printed more than one page though.
Apparently that is a common issue with them and inside of the printer there is a small cork pad that gets twisted down and hits every time it picks up a new sheet of paper and the cork had gotten sticky somehow.
The fix for this incredibly complicated and delicate procedure is to open one side of the printer and take a piece of Scotch tape and cover over that tiny cork pad.
I did that 7 years ago and it still prints perfectly today.
I think we are a lot better at pretending that people don’t kill each other often and for little reason than people from 1,000 years ago.
It’s almost as if the reason it was made into one of the ten commandments was that people did it so much that the leaders at the time felt they needed to try to put a stop to it.
Probably the same thing with lying and lusting after your friend’s wives and properties. In lieu of a government and system strong enough to protect you, you would have to defend yourself against your stronger or better armed neighbors taking everything they want from you, including your life.
Not even that. Omnipotence means that you can both make something impossible for yourself and still be able to do it. Paradoxes have nothing on omnipotence.
Jokes aside, I have baked my bacon and it works really well for preparing an awful lot of bacon very quickly.
Once you do that, you have bacon that you can quickly microwave and slap on a sandwich, plus you can easily collect all of the grease for making gravies or general cooking purposes if you so desire.
Then AI already exists and you have no memory or recollection of either helping to create it or accidentally contributing to its non-creation and therefore you being tormented by the AI would serve no moral purpose.
Any torture you would be experiencing in that simulation would simply be that the AI desires to torture, and you happen to be one of its victims.
Roko’s basilisk would still not be in play
I think you’re missing the point. The question is about a tolerant society.
Regardless of if the society itself is stable, for the society to be tolerant it must be intolerant of the intolerant, and therefore a tolerant society must be intolerant.
I don’t think that “nuh-uh! Uh-huh!” Rises to the level of a paradox.
The phrases can be contradictory without being paradoxical. It’s only a paradox if both of the phrases are true at the same time.
All of the “is infinite power so powerful that it could overpower its own power” type questions just annoy me.
Is infinite power so powerful it can do something that it can’t do?
Yes it can. And then it can do that anyway. Otherwise it wouldn’t be infinite.
Roku’s basilisk just doesn’t make sense to me because any semi-competent AI would be able to tell that it is not punishing the people that failed to help create it it’s just wasting energy punishing a simulacrum.
We are not going to suddenly be teleported into a future of torment. If the AI had the ability to pluck people out of the past it should have no reason to waste it on torture porn.
The problem with that particular paradox is that it’s not possible. Therefore one of the statements has to be wrong.
The phrase, “You have to be intolerant to be tolerant” doesn’t sound like a contradiction to you?
Tesofensine is an antidepressant with weight loss effects that can be purchased online without a prescription for research purposes.
It’s fairly expensive, usually running about $250 for a one month supply, but if you need a temporary break from your depression then it might work for you.
However, because it is a research chemical, all of the side effects of the chemical are not known and you would be taking a risk in using it even for a short period of time.
Chances are it is likely safe but there is still a risk and you have to weigh that against your mental health and your finances and the costs and difficulty associated with getting put on a traditional antidepressant prescribed to you by a competent doctor.
I’m not paying 5 cents to read an article unless I know in writing that 4.95 of them are going to the human person who wrote it.
They get multimillions of hits a day on a mere dozens of articles. Economy of scale works both ways.
What they should do is offer a tier system through your internet provider. $10/$20/$50 a month and you get access to tiers of services without ads or tracking other than tracking that you used the site.
I used to use VLC. I still do, but I used to, too.
I wish I had gone straight into college even though I was incredibly depressed and suffering from cptsd.
I could have been depressed and living in a dorm and possibly getting into wacky adventures or meeting somebody to love me rather than being depressed and living in my truck and scooting from minimum wage job to minimum wage job for 7 years before I finally started to get my shit together.
An interesting thing about learning random things is that the knowledge you acquire will come in handy in unexpected places.
For instance, I learned to play guitar. Then I wrote songs, then I wanted to record the songs to see if they were any good so I learned about recording so then I ended up in a band with other people and recorded a few albums with them, which didn’t go anywhere.
Not long after, people who were aware that I recorded music asked me to help out at a church and I got experience running live audio.
And eventually I moved away so I had to quit and then I ended up having a job where editing audio for training sessions was a part of my job responsibilities and my previous experience with recording albums and running live music prepared me to do a job that paid a hell of a lot more than I was making before which then advanced into another job and another job and all of these random little tidbits of information and skills that I’ve picked up along the way keep becoming crucial to my future successes in ways that I could have never anticipated back when I was learning them to record some dinky guitar.
My understanding is that there’s our physical bodies and there is the lightning of spirit that is our divine selves and when the two are combined together we become a soul.
I don’t envision the soul as something that is separate from the body. Just each of us are one.
Like if you were turned into a computer program and run on a universe computer, your soul would be whatever happens to actually be actively being computed by the CPU and existing in ram at the moment.
The hard data saved on the hard drive would be your body and the electricity coursing through the CPU would be your spirit but only what is actually happening when the two combine is a soul.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein