This isn’t true and how dare you suggest otherwise! 🌼
This isn’t true and how dare you suggest otherwise! 🌼
Never posted on reddit, most communities seemed hostile and unwilling to hear different perspectives. People here seem a lot more reasonable.
If I had to pee really bad I would eat bread or crackers because it would absorb the pee and not make me have to go.
You make good points, and it is a perverse line of thinking. However I do think that homes and land are the only real investments we can make. Not in a sense of trying to make a profit on it, but as something to put our money into.
Sadly, what it means in practice is that access to outdoors is strictly controlled or forbidden, and the factory will probably kill all the chickens and throw them in the trash if a disease outbreaks. There’s a bunch of talk now in big ag about biosecurity, and how small farms are a risk because they can introduce disease. How about actually have a natural farm instead of a micromanaged industrial operation, and then maybe the animals will be robust to illness.