Those maps sometimes also cover EU candidates like Albania, Serbia or Georgia, and Ukraine has been a candidate too since quite recently.
Those maps sometimes also cover EU candidates like Albania, Serbia or Georgia, and Ukraine has been a candidate too since quite recently.
Hmm, I think I get your point. Have to rethink that, ty
Funny that you compare Germany to fascist dictators now, its one of the few countries which actually worked its past and acknowledged it. Support for a Israel is a double sided sword in that regard, just dropping them is definitely not an option. Germany currently houses 3.3 million refugees and paid over 24 billion in foreign aid. Honestly, what do you expect?
Germany is one of the biggest humanitarian donators and took many refugees from the region. The foreign ministry refused to call it a Holocaust - which is just on another level. The commitee of the Herero and Nama also critisized the critique on germany as populistic and without legal basis and double standard. The defense of Israel is a state doctrine, also based on history, so it might be a little more complicated than a simple good and bad.
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Eine Mikrowelle von ~1990 und einen Warmwasserboiler aus der gleichen Zeit. Die Hifi-Anlage dürfte auch nur wenig jünger sein.
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Even France is getting rid of nuclear, they are by far not building enough replacements and their share of nuclear went down too, quite drastically and actually more than Germany ^^
And the nuclear plants on a relevant level are a very big question in Poland too.
Also knapp 2% vom letzten Jahresgewinn für ein Jahrzehnt der Martverzerrung. Da ist noch mehr drin.