Linux systems are usually laid bare for people to tinker with, which for me is specially good if I see something I don’t like, be it software, UI or UX.
Plus, most PC’s I’ve seen from at least the past ~20 years can run Linux, so if I get my hands on a working PC, Linux becomes an easy choice.
Plus², Linux can be made very privacy friendly.
Maybe don’t care as much? First due to the stress it causes. Second, if you pretend to be someone you’re not, people may end up liking that instead, and much like with any farce, the longer it goes, the more cracks appear.
Also, something I try to do is, without worrying much for the result, to chitchat with people. If they sound/look interested, I keep going and depending on how it evolves, I might even have gotten someone who I’m going to be hanging with for years to come. If they don’t sound or look interested, I slowly drop the attempt and try it with someone else down the line.