External sound cards have the advantage of less electrical interference, but usually the internal ones have external power not coming from the PCIe slot so it isn’t a big problem. Asus left the market leaving you with good old Creative Sound Blaster again. Choose whatever your budget allows, the two upper tier ones just differ in accessories, but that might have changed. And AV receivers the same, I am not the up to date audio guy what is a good deal. Just try to stay >120 dB SNR on sound cards for high end.
Don’t search for computer speakers, just look for normal speakers on which I can’t help out too much on. Unless you want to invest into an expensive sound card, you probably should go for an AV-Receiver which transmits the audio through HDMI as this will give you the maximum quality depending on the supported formats. I have a sound card -> old school amplifier -> speaker setup. Basically it is your choice where the digital to analogue transformation happens, whether through a receiver or sound card. A sound card does have the massive advantage of providing virtual headphone surround sound (yes on stereo headphones, and no, this is really working) which receivers typically don’t have, because reasons and it will provide you with a massive immersion boost. And no onboard sound is not comparable, even the best one is a clear step down.
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Still not a pedophile nor a predator even for flirting. This is not a 12 year old, but in many jurisdictions a responsible adult.
The great thing with your logic is no matter what he does he is guilty for you anyways. Great logic.
That is not the words you should use for a 17 year old he didn’t even know was underage.
This is false. It is the login server system which is more powerful. They did add new worlds, data centers and more as well, but the headline is wrong.
Er ist offensichtlich von rechtsradikalen Ideen umgeben, aber so wie jeder persönliche unangenehme Mensch muss man sich eben andere Möglichkeiten suchen. Das wäre selbst bei illegalen Übergriffen der Fall. In erster Linie bist du dir selbst der Nächste. Du kannst ihn auch versuchen subtil rauszumobben, was aber auch schnell nach hinten losgehen kann je nach deinen sozialen Skills.
How is it now? The release was received very poorly in my memory and Redout 1 had also some design issues, but had something cool to it.
Autisten sind 3x höheren Angriffsraten ausgesetzt. Wenn es nicht die Justiz selbst aktiv betreibt, so scheint sie das auch nicht einzubremsen.
Those generalizations are harmful indeed and should not be tolerated as it breeds Us vs. Them mentality. Just asking the person not to be offended when they have every right to be with “if you are not part of the problem” is the modernized “I am not racist, but” and “No, I meant the other type of foreigners, not you”. Misandry is a thing. Just because one comes from a misogynistic surrounding, doesn’t mean other experiences are suddenly not real.
People bound by unhinged radical feminists, and I do mean the Crazy-Karen-On-Video crowd, mutter every other second a misandric sentence. Of course this crap erodes your self-worth. You are literally being demeaned for absolutely nothing. Speak up to shut them up. If women find the energy to speak against harmful notions like, so should everyone else, if they see inacceptably demeaning behaviour which differs fundamentally from appropriate criticism.