Freeze your credit on all three bureaus. IIRC it is free for all of them, just don’t get tricked into enrolling in their credit monitoring service. You’re there to freeze and unfreeze your credit, nothing more. From then on, any time you apply for something that requires a credit check, you need to go thaw each credit bureau temporarily. They all let you schedule thaws, so just open it for a day, apply. And close it back up. Or however long your credit check takes.
The premium service offered by these data breaches is pretty terrible. In some cases, they’ll have a clause that says if you accept, you can’t sue or be part of a class action suit. If you have a credit card with monitoring included, they will notify you way faster if your credit is run. My credit card companies email me within minutes of an application being submitted. The paid service I got from a breach years ago doesn’t let me know till about a week later.
Did you know there is an actual fast travel option in that game? You access it from the map in your camp.
I like the mention of carriage rides too, or the taxis in GTA. Those are pretty immersive. You paid the driver and took a nap.
I didn’t learn that Red Dead Redemption 2 had a fast travel system until after my first playthrough. I completed a second playthrough shortly after and still didn’t use it. Im glad the game had the feature still because I know not everyone has 5-10 minutes to ride everywhere or are not as interested in that aspect of the game. The world was plenty compelling for me, personally, to not use it. I liberally use fast travel in other games. Sometimes I want immersion, sometimes I want to progress the story. I don’t think it’s indictive of lazy design. I really appreciate the option when I have it.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Dredge this year. Highly recommend
How weird, I’ve never seen that configuration. Today I learned. I just wanted to add that in case anyone read that and thought their living space was unsafe with a combination detector. The EPA says, if they are CO specific, to put them about eye level from the floor, or on the ceiling.
If you’re referring to Carbon Monoxide detectors [I recognize the OP made an error calling them CO2] commonly referred to as “smoke/CO”, then, in the US at least, smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors are usually combined units. I’ve never found one to be separated like that. A common example is below. Carbon Monoxide is similar, if not lighter than common air density, so putting one on the floor wouldn’t make any real difference.
Thank you! This is the ship from the show
It’s not much consolation, but I do take a little solace in the fact that nearly all of the Trump-wannabes have crashed and burned on the ballot. So far, it seems like only Trump can pull of Trimpism. His ego won’t let him name a successor, so when he goes, there will be a MAGA void to fill and it might be difficult for a single person to fill it.
Will Trump’s natural death free us from right wing extremism? Absolutely not. But will one savvy politician gather all the support trump has? Not immediately, that’s for sure. When he’s gone, I bet 40% of his base will believe he’s still alive and the deep state is hiding him somewhere while Desantis-Cruz-Vance, etc are false prophets. I mean, Vance was supposed to be the savvy MAGA guy, and look how well liked he is.