17 Mio. https://de.statista.com/infografik/23994/geschaetzte-zahl-der-nazi-opfer/
Davon waren 6 Mio. Juden, es wurden aber auch andere Menschengruppen gezielt ermordet. Ich sehe diese Zahl oft miszitiert, daher der Einwurf. https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/23994.jpeg
Wisst ihr noch wo er sich losgerissen hat? Bringt da seine Schüssel mit Wasser hin (kein Futter, denn das kann andere Tiere anlocken, die er dann meidet). Außerdem ein Kleidungsstück von euch dort hinlegen. Das gibt dem Hund Grund dort zu warten. Hoffentlich findet ihr euch wieder!
The story turns out to be an act of revenge by the co-author, who donated 10 million pound to Cameron’s party in hopes of being given a cabinet position. After Cameron refused to give him such, Ashcroft co-wrote an unauthorized “biography” of Cameron.
With this in mind, I wouldn’t give this story any second thought other than the realization that Ashcroft is an utter tool.
What you are citing, that willpower is being used up over the day by decisions, is called ego depletion and it is wrong! There are experiments where two groups were either told that this is a thing or the opposite, that willpower is strengthened by every decision instead, and it turns out, that both groups had different willpower self assessments at the end of the trial in accordance with the theory of willpower they were told in the beginning, meaning it’s just a placebo in the end. Neither ego depletion nor the opposite exist, but people feel as strong in willpower in accordance with their belief of how willpower works.
- After WW1 and the Ottomans were defeated, it passed onto the Turkish (Islamic).
- After WW2 the Turkish were defeated and they lost it to Britain. In the same war the surviving Jews were displaced worldwide and had no country to live, so the League of Nations (U.S, Britain, Canada, France mainly) decided to give Jews a new home and call this new place the State of Israel. They put Israel right in the middle of the British controlled Palestine, which no Islamic nation could object to because they were all defeated in war.
Turkey never fought in ww2. Turkey was already after ww1 completely stripped of territory in the Levant. There also was no league of nations after ww2 anymore, but the UN was founded. No Arabic nations were defeated in ww2. Some of 4. happened after ww1 not 2. The creation of Israel was heavily objected by the neighboring Arabic nations, see 6-Day-War.
They are talking about dark matter not dark energy.
I assume you mean, that you disagree with my idea. In this case I find it a somewhat valid use of a downvote within the system that I outlined. But if everyone downvotes what they disagree with, before actually engaging with the content, it turns Lemmy into just another echo chamber.
I disagree. There is rarely a relevance for like/dislike and all upvotes and downvotes are, should be viewed as and used as indicators of relevance.
Upvote what you find relevant/interesting, not what you like.
Downvote what you find irrelevant to the community or what uses language that you find inappropriate for that community, not what you don’t like.
Right? What kind of person teases us like that and then doesn’t share the method :|