Frankly, it’skind of the opposite: the slavery part of the argument is obvious, simply because IIRC the model of chattel slavery the US south operated on was only viable through the constant flow of new people to feed into the meatgrinder. The “better off” part is kinda dubious.
That’s actually a very interesting map! I didn’t know the gulf is just large enough to not be entirely divvied up!
Yeah, it’s not a joke, it literally happens all the time, and an error after block close generally means the system doesn’t think it’s closed, usually because a bracket isn’t paired off.
Nah, it’s because they can change you for the battery, but you could sue them for drinking the juice.
Yeah, but shunts are “added” in parallel, daisy chaining cords adds them in series.
On the contrary, practically every single person in this thread that mentions resistance is talking precisely backwards. Higher resistance will not cause overheating. Except for certain motor loads, it will cause malfunction due to voltage drop. The actual fire hazard is the increased chance of faulty cable, faulty connection, and, inevitably, overloading.
What are you talking about? Current absolutely changes! Your own formula requires I=V/R
It does that because the thin filament has high resistance;
Other way around. Low resistance - high power.
Depending on the angle (a lot going on there) you could go with “denial”. As in, you’re lying, because if you’re bot, then my life sucked, and that’s unacceptable, so you’re lying.
…Wait, is Joe then also a child? Good grief, no wonder America went to shit, they let a fucking child be president!
Yeah, you’re probably right. They should try it a few more times just to be sure.
Exactly, which is why Kamala won!
Frankly, I don’t know what you’re complaining about. If you standard for “child” is “has a parent”, then everyone on here is a child, you included. Just pardon them and move on.
…Wow, y’all are really losing it over this, aren’t you?
Cozy dystopia. God help me.
The purple people eater got them all, sadly.
Yeah, the first time the press core deigned to call him “presidential” was when he launched rockets at Syria. The second time was when he assassinated Suleimani.
Hahaha holy shit!