Anti-facist doesn’t mean more brown lgbtq+ concentration camp guards.
Anti-facist doesn’t mean more brown lgbtq+ concentration camp guards.
It was a common phrase about 25 years ago.
Back when animals going extinct was more novel and shocking.
Not to me, they don’t teach those girls shit. Glorified cookie company using volunteer child labor.
Primarily greed, but secondarily the fear of becoming an out group themselves, this carrot and whip makes for a very plaint population which authoritarian, dictatorial, and/or oligarchical regimes find quite handy. Dispossessing entire groups of people unites the other groups both out of the desire to share in the stolen wealth of the “undesirables” and prevent their own groups from being targeted next.
It takes around 70% more energy to melt glass into glass than to melt sand into glass.
My last foray into NMS ended when I found a little town and was promptly attacked by sentinels that could heal each other through walls.
Still overpriced
Personally, I hope we go back to our roots in the fight against abusive management policies. Less snark more arson.
Nah dude, we were all fucked from jump thats what a lot of people can’t face. We’re a slime mold on a mote of dust stuck to a spark flying through a cloud.
Just be glad you ever existed, selfishly existing to prolong your own existence is spitting in the face of everyone who ever died for something and dancing on the not even grave of all the people who were never born. You better go out there and live your life to the fullest, because it’s not coming around again, there is no next time, no do over. Just love and be honest, especially when it hurts.
The context of the word “let” is interesting here.
I would recommend a collaborative approach, it’s not as if they can’t use it because you tell them no. They don’t need a credit card or a driver’s license or even a computer.
It’s a shame they stopped at harassing them.
Rimworld. It’s like the sims, but with war crimes.
Is it more or less efficient than a derelict mine and an unstored energy surplus?
deleted by creator
The um, plot, was a little bare.
But very unique multiplayer.
Thanks for your advice!
What distro did you start on? I’m thinking I would rather learn Linux than take an 11 upgrade when 10 stops getting security updates.
Twitch is better for audience integration like what happens in dougdoug’s stream, and unless it’s some major event or well produced ttrpg I can’t be arsed to watch unedited content.
Bit late for that eh?
Go ahead and control+V your incredibly witty and novel political opinion though.