The real reason I’m apeirophobic ^^^
The real reason I’m apeirophobic ^^^
I mean if their intent was to ask a community that was explicitly international, it might be in good faith. That being said, I don’t see any implication of that in their actual post, soo…
For what it’s worth, I personally find discussion about foreign politics interesting if it’s something that I can learn from, but there’s for sure an inundation (and normalization) of US politics on a lot of different social media platforms, and that gets old.
Metal, thanks for the info!
So, are those galls due to infection, or are they something else? I know some species of insects will intentionally create galls on plants to store/feed larvae, too.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m misunderstanding here. I think the delineation between authoritarian regimes and non-authoritarian governments is pretty clear - are you implying that all socialist and communist influenced governments are necessarily authoritarian?
I think that one (HUGE) part of BG3’s success is that it was in Early Access for, what, 2-3 years? During which it grew a dedicated modding scene, received a metric fuck-ton of feedback, and regularly dropped large content patches. This wasn’t an average dev cycle, and I think it shows. In some ways, the Dev. Feedback and interactivity reminded me a lot of the way Warframe does dev interactions.
the weak should fear the strong