I bought a few, but the one that got me was Microsoft flight simulator 2020. It looks amazing in VR.
I bought a few, but the one that got me was Microsoft flight simulator 2020. It looks amazing in VR.
He’s retiring and can help his one son. If I were him, I would have said “fuck it.” too…
I’ve been listening to alot of Amateur composers like Boris Harazanov, Baltic House Orchestra, Mathias Fritsch and Filip Lakovic.
Oh man This post just awoke a REAL old memory for me. Growing up my dad had these two old beat up flashlights. I looked them up and found this https://www.etsy.com/listing/1027765511/eveready-no1359-safety-flashlight.
I always thought they had a cool design.
Beg pardon, but are you male or female?
Lets be honest. Most people buy stuff to impress other people. At this stage in my life I have no fucks to give about that any more.
I’m running 3 40 inch TV’s as monitors.
That concept art looks like a back-up singer for Korn.
To Paraphrase George Carlin “You get the exact type of politician you diserve.”
You know what this means. 1000 years ago, one wolf was REALLLLY desperate…
Because nobody wants them. Or rather not enough people want them. Hell, kids these days don’t even want to get their drivers licenses. For them Uber is good enough.
Because I hate all bots.
I was just in the hospital for some tests and needed to take some food with the meds they gave me, They gave me two pieces of toast.
It’s being hosted on GOG.
You need a hug.
And probably Jesus.
because you keep responding to those posts. Same thing happened to me on tiktok. I am now getting nothing but misogynist redpill bullshit in my feed, because I foolishly responded to their posts calling them out for the idiots they are.
It’s why they only use the initials.