Der trockene Humor der Variante “nicht so gut” hat mich stark abgeholt.
Der trockene Humor der Variante “nicht so gut” hat mich stark abgeholt.
Es gab mal eine Geschichte laut der es aus Meeresfrüchten besteht, also Oktopoden, Krabben und ähnliches. Muss man wohl entlernen, wenn man das gehört hatte.
Falsch ist linguistisch ein stares Wort. Leute benutzen täglich Worte die seltener genutzt werden. Sei es aus regionalen oder gesellschaftlichen Gründen.
Wir haben schon jetzt Worte wie Trainee, die auf einem ähnlichen Laut enden. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass solche Worte im Berufsalltag nützlich sind um kurze inklusive Beschreibungen zu finden.
My plan was VTM Melee but my second region will be Moritanya just to get the barrows lifesteal build running. I am playing mobile a lot while travelling which makes combat harder so I want an easy setup.
Got the foraging pouch instead of dodgy deals but everything else is the same. Currently still leveling slayer to get my combat mysteries.
I am not in my second zone yet. Care to tell me your league choices?
Try some sweet jam on a sharp cheese. It’s such a good blend. Some people mix mustard and jelly but I think you can skip that for blue cheese.
Gas threads and water threads are opposites to each other for safety reasons. Might be part of that thought.
Diese aggressiven Fragen sind absolut unprofessionell und geben mir das Gefühl, dass hier absichtlich eine offensive vorgetäuscht wird, eben damit Gottschalk auf “Harte Kante” machen kann.
One gets you demonetized the other gets you engagement. Capitalism wins again.
There is also iron mode which helps to ignore bots. Yes they can still steal your ore deposit but there are enough worlds to go to.
Or one could do both. Reduce access to killing tools and reasons to kill.
Nobody argued that there are no other factors like social pressure. Obviously it is a problem when about half of the suicides involve a gun. Building hurdles and adding effort is needed to prevent deaths.
The m chips are only good for inference and not for training. That is still unparalleled with CUDA. Pun intended.
Games have specs on steam. We could easily get a performance percentage for gamers with less than optimal setups without blasting their systems. I personally have a good one yet may struggle during forced windows updates or when my ssd is getting heavy loads from my other apps. That would not be caught by such ratings.
If I remember correctly the pressure came from credit card companies and not any government.