10 months ago- Only state to not vote for Reagan
- Weed legalized
- Free Breakfast and Lunch for all students
- First state to protect LGBT Americans from discrimination
- Only state to not vote for Reagan
- Protected abortion rights
- Childcare assistance for low income parents
- Planned high speed rail between the Twin Cities and Duluth
- Legalized gay marriage before Obergefell v. Hodges
- Only state to not vote for Reagan
There’s plenty more but those are just the ones I can think of right now.
That’s a really long one but pretty much every shitty trend since the 80s can be attributed back to him: Wage stagnation, climate inaction, police militarization, Middle East wars, no taxes for the wealthy, war on drugs, for profit prisons, elimination of pensions, union busting, media polarization, Iran-Contra affair, etc.
He was popular because he was charismatic but literally all of his policies hollowed out the country into what it is today.