The key word is “majority”. I think IPFS will gain more popularity moving forward especially if fascism and censorship continue to rise.
The key word is “majority”. I think IPFS will gain more popularity moving forward especially if fascism and censorship continue to rise.
Gaben’s last dying wish is to make every game work on Linux and donates $1 billion to making it happen.
When I used nicotine gum what I did was a started switching between the nicotine gum and regular gum. I eventually ran out of nicotine gum and just chewed regular gum for a while. I think the dependency and money is what pissed me off enough to stop, anger is always good motivation.
Pretty soon they’ll just need a handful of robot technicians.
That’s pretty much the joke, we don’t have democracy in the US.
“an evergreen game in a sandbox platform, with an existing fan base, in which participants play a game that builds cognitive resilience to authoritarianism and promotes democratic norms and values.”
Already done, Helldivers 2.
They had an opportunity to make Fallout 5, but instead they chose this. It’s been 9 years Bethesda, 9 YEARS.
Google got rid of the dislike count on videos for a reason, holding content creators accountable is absolutely what should be done. It’s horseshit to think that content creators shouldn’t be accountable for the sponsorships they take.
This is also very likely due to older people seeing gaming as an affordable and enjoyable hobby, which would raise the average age. Gaming is the most accessible it has ever been, so it’d make sense.
It’s really simple. They realized they could make more money by never releasing it. That realization has made them more money than the vast majority of game studios. It’s a glorified ship showcase simulator, that’s about it, not really a game. If they set a release date they’d reduce the amount of money they make, why would they do that?
Good news, I’m glad Minnesota is doing well. Banning books is for losers. Freedom of information must be kept strong.
I tried switching to Wayland on Mint, it did not go well. Unfortunately I do not care to follow an hour long guide to figure out how to get it to run games properly.
Interesting, that makes sense, thank you. I looked this up like 3 times using google and duckduckgo and none of the results gave me a clear answer.
That looks like a failure to regulate and standardize expiration date format which ultimately benefits corporations and fucks the consumer.
I think for myself using the official movie’s lore to make my judgments, but you can bend it however you’d like.
Now you’re applying real laws of physics to a movie which clearly breaks the laws of physics many times throughout the movie, by that logic none of their spaceships would function at all realistically. Just make believe whatever you want at that point, it’s all fiction anyway, I was trying to go off of the fandom lore, now I don’t care.
That said, Buenos Aires was definitely a false flag/accident in the movie.
Not true.
With what technology?
Not replying after this as to not waste my time.
As per the lore of Starship Troopers, yes I’m sure. There is no evidence even slightly that it was done by humans in that universe. On the other hand, in Helldivers 2 the intro video is clearly staged and prerecorded produced by the “Ministry of Truth” with the statement “scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy” making it clear that it was a staged video.
The bugs in Starship Troopers even tried to send another one which was stopped:
"Later, at a certain point, the Arachnids launched a second meteor towards Earth. Fortunately for the Federation, it was destroyed by a Missile defence turret on Luna Base. The meteor would have slammed into southern Africa, possibly at Cape Town. "
The satirical nature of Helldivers 2 is obvious, but in Starship Troopers the bugs flung a meteor at Earth which destroyed a major city and killed millions. I would argue that Starship Troopers has a bit more of a serious vibe with subtle satire, aside from some of the commercials like the one of soldiers giving kids guns. In Helldivers 2 the intro video shows that bugs are killing civilians, which could be true or could be purely propaganda. But yea, anyone who doesn’t understand that Helldivers 2 is satirical is a fucking idiot. It all makes fun of militaristic imperialism, you can literally name your ship “King of Democracy”.
Fractional-reserve banking. Most people have no idea what it is, probably a good thing. You could argue that it’s not a “secret”, but most people aren’t aware of it regardless. I don’t think most people would be fond of grinding for $15 an hour if they knew banks could just lend money they don’t actually have. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractional-reserve_banking