Just as much as mayor OEMs, yes. Even borrowing old licensed designs that are now Open and they still very much improve over them. You can literally find videos of their assembly and design processes.
Just as much as mayor OEMs, yes. Even borrowing old licensed designs that are now Open and they still very much improve over them. You can literally find videos of their assembly and design processes.
Framework? Pine?
I still watch him, but for this reason I did not include him on the list.
Correct. But at least we all can agree that the OG pillars of sciTube (and adjacent content) who keep it fresh with their unique forever updating style are the less guilty of those tactics: 3blue1brown, Vsauce, CGP Grey, Steve Mould, Matt Parker, Numberphile & 3 or 4 more that escape the tip of my tongue. They all do this for a living, but only one created a loot box and all profits go to research.
Every 10,000 cycles Epic has a small w. I’ll take it.
I’m also used to cum.
Everyone was a newbie at one point, even people with natural affinity and extraordinary talent. It never pays off to gatekeep your community, it will die and so will the interest of it. Be welcoming. A great teacher can explain really complex stuff in really simple terms. Stay kind.
There’s no way you’re breathing enough ozone anywhere on walkable Earth for you to taste it. However trapped CO2 form the surrounding air in water particles flowing in the air may explain this, the taste is bitter, slightly sharp.
In Mexico it’s
With that look I think they’re hoping for you to murder their enemies and bathe in their blood 🫣
My head canon is that Pingu is the only mascot for GNOME.
Most Arch users (myself included) don’t recommend Arch to n00bs or even light seasoned Linux users if they already are happy with their setup.
But the meme is the meme and I like bullying Arch elitists.
Welp, I was about to rant about it in here. Thanks for the heads up, hopefully it gets fixed by the weekend. Can’t wait to be absolutely rolled by Cunduit’s ult.
Cats are real, fax
You can use a couple already in the nightly builds of both firefox and the respective add-on
This is ban worthy… Right? RIGHT GUYS? 👀
For gaming, yes. 100% GUI. Not even codecs or the like.
Walk him through the GNOME paradigm, it could be a let down or a game changer it depends on their needs.
Hulk is not dumb, he just was born 30 years later than Banner.
We know that given the time Hulk also proves to Bea genius of his own.
Cloud seeding ≠ chemtrails.
And it was fucking worth it. Outstanding is an understatement.