What didn’t you like about Div 2 rules? I understand some of them wouldn’t adapt well to tabletop / dice but I liked their AP system better than BG3s action / bonus action
What didn’t you like about Div 2 rules? I understand some of them wouldn’t adapt well to tabletop / dice but I liked their AP system better than BG3s action / bonus action
AI is cool. AI research is valuable. AI has the power to be a transformative technology.
Corporate AI hype for tech fueled neofeudalism is not cool. Commodification of AI is not valuable. LLMs will never substantively change the world.
Pronouncing schedule like s-chedule is really fun. Not sure I know of any English words that have those two phonemes next to each other
Honestly this is pretty much it. Sometimes you have to be pretty aggressive to get companies to do the thing you need; they will take advantage of the social friction required to keep you in predatory arrangements. They literally design it to be frustrating so you’ll give up. Like you, I try to make it clear to the person I’m speaking with I have no problem with them just the business. But if the corporations require me to get mad to do the right thing I will get mad.
Replace cops with tweens
*at least I’m safe inside my mind *
BuT wE hAvE jOuRnAlIsTiC iNtEgRiTy. AlSo FuCk DaVe SiRoTa
Turbine should connect to loudspeaker to make this a closer system lol
This is great, I think there could be a version that inverts the condition. Something like “if you won’t respect me as a person I can’t respect you as an authority”
The reason why women don’t compete in men’s sports. Male fragility is threatened by women potentially beating them
SpaceX actually did use some kind of TS/JS chrome browser thing for their docking controls lol…
Guess what? Flight Software usually uses ancient proprietary compilers for specialized hardware running an RTOS, rip 😢
I demand the government force this private company to provide me free speech.
That’s a great distinction, I’m gonna start stealing that.
Some people aren’t anti establishment, they are anti-not-my-establishment. You can’t call yourself anti establishment if you just don’t like the current one.
I can’t stand for this protest, it’s so gd cynical.
The only cause I can support is “everyone sucks including me”
Tldr: New desktop environment designed for PopOS (but usable elsewhere)
That kind of log floating behind ships was where the term log comes from. They’d throw them overboard and let them drift out over some interval and they’d mark down “log took 30 seconds to drift out to end of rope” to determine their speed.
Is the game worth $70 yet lol
Deleting 107k lines of code is so much more based than adding 107k lines