I don’t know where that comes from. Emotionally repressed? I agree men doesn’t need to be emotionally repressed.
Looking for an alternative to reddit
I don’t know where that comes from. Emotionally repressed? I agree men doesn’t need to be emotionally repressed.
I don’t try to do my best, honestly. I try to get away with working as little as possible.
But you have Netflix and social media… Aren’t you happy? So much fun to spend all energy at work so you sit at home exhausted until the next morning.
I have compassion for people on the subway that act like monkeys, screaming and moving around a lot. Their maturity levels simply doesn’t allow them to understand basic nice behavior.
They are in the very beginning of their human experience, someone who just spawned into a game on level one and never played before.
And still they annoy me so much. Lol.
It makes sense that the physically stronger gender becomes the protector, yes. Who else?
The perceived need you talk about was very real. Women would get raped or killed with no protection.
Yup I agree. I also think there is human cloning going on too (it’s illegal but obviously secret organizations are doing it).
Do those clones have souls? It’s even more interesting to me since it’s an attempted copy of a real person.
We won’t find out until cloning is legal, and it won’t be legal until it’s 100% safe. All the failed clones are most likely being terminated in secret.
Any Ai couldn’t answer that any more then science could. You already have your answer, if you believe in science.
I think we have souls though. :)
Haha :) It’s all relative I guess. Billionaires are comparing themselves to other billionaries, not the guy down the street who sits in wallmart cash register all day.
I don’t like my family either. We don’t really choose what people become our parents… Or maybe we do, but it takes place outside this realm before we are born, if we do. I envy people who like their parents.
It’s so strange that a lot of people have the need to push others down for what interests they are enjoying.
On the other hand, I’m looking at Lemmy and I’m seeing the exact same thing here - downvoting when you don’t agree instead of leaving it alone.
I think we all should have a no politics rule… It’s just turning people against eachother, when we have much more incommon with eachother than the politicians.
Also it creates mind ghosts in dumb people. They go oh yeah, so you support genocide?" or" huh, you are a child molester right ".
You can’t argue with stupid people but you can choose to not argue at all. :)
Lol :) That sounds absolutely horrible.
Hacker news users seem happy with its performance, so will try tomorrow. Fun with new terminals.
Starting over wouldn’t have any benefits unless humans would somehow have a completely changed consciousness. Otherwise the same egocentric views would dominate and competition would make sure that we get the same world again.
Humans are not capable of prioritizing “what do we as a species want to accomplish this year”. Should we look at world production and make sure nobody goes hungry, for example. Nope, can’t do it, because we have countries and money, making sure we can’t just cooperate and make it happen.
You won’t get the same united look in Gnome as in mac OS. Applications will look a bit different and not exactly the same.
I think you get used to it though. I don’t think about it at all anymore.
My instance has no censorship and federates with all, and moderation only happens for obvious illegal content, not someone having an opinion that is not popular.
To me, it’s what the fediverse is supposed to be, so very happy.
Nice idea but yeah, Ai stuff is a bit tacky. :)
Path of Exile and Counterstrike both are over 1000 hours for me.
Old people have died in new york city apartments, only to be found several months later because of the smell of the corpse.
I don’t know the statistics, but are most murders even solved? And if they are, it’s probably because most murders happen when people are angry and do stupid things with zero planning.
So many people don’t care about how their behaviors affect others. They are loud on the public transport, interrupt others when they talk, act like they are better because they got good looks, and a bunch of other things.
I really think people would get along better if all of us were more down to earth and listening and relaxing.
Be the opposite of what you see in reality shows.
I meant the need to be protected by men.