Please don’t use other posts as the URL for your post, it takes people away from their instance to the instance where it’s hosted. It doesn’t affect you because the link is in your local instance, but it affects everyone else.
Instead, use the same Mozilla URL that your other post used, then Lemmy should identify it and place an instance agnostic cross-post link to your other post.
Tbf, it’s smarter to fix that in software than ask people to change their behavior.
While true right now we’re still in the early days and working out some of the papercuts so to say of this new software :)
I use Bitwarden, but what’s wrong with 1password?
Nothing. Some guy on the internet that uses Firefox doesn’t like them.
Also, Malewarebytes? I don’t use them but I thought they were actually legit.
Only the free malware detection. But they tend to bundle a lot of “clean your registry”, “reclaim unused space”, “pay us to
sieve all your private browsing datakeep you secure” bloat as well. It shouldn’t be permanently on your system as they can track and funnel data like crazy if you let them.So basically like every antivirus.
They recently implemented some in app analytics. But it’s opt-in. The feature is turned off by default. 1Password still pretty great, especially if you are using it with your family.
They had a database breach afaik. Also a Malwarebytes extension will VERY likely compare every URL i.e. track you unnecessarily. There is UBlock Origin, nothing more needed.
They did not have a data breach.
Ok thanks for the heads up. Seems to be just a service offering proprietary cloud-based password storage.
I think this is very toxic towards forming habits for People.
I will do a Step-by-step guide for Android and Linux/Windows, how to sync your passwords between devices using Syncthing and KeepassXC/DX. It is so easy, like 15 steps and you are done, with images and all.
Also a Malwarebytes extension will VERY likely compare every URL i.e. track you unnecessarily.
Sounds possible, but do you have evidence?
Even if they did that, there are ways to do that without compromising privacy.
Not yet. Functionality looks unnecessary though, as its simply UBlock origin.
Will have to do a mtim analysis which I dont really see myself doing
Why Gosthery?
Ghostery started out great, then they were bought by an ad company. There was a feature where you could mark something that had slipped past Ghostery as an ad, which they then used to fine tune the ads to make it past the filter.
The Wikipedia page is actually pretty good on this.
Since July 2018, with version 8.2, Ghostery shows advertisements of its own to users
Damn. I’m a bit surprised it’s labeled “recommended”
Is there a general recommendation for a similar addon? Is PrivacyBadger the way to go?
uBlock Origin?
This lacks reasons for the selection (some are obvious, others less so).
yes totally
You’ve forgotten all those extensions which look for discount codes at checkout on online stores, in think “Honey” was one of them.
Will add them!
I’m glad Lemmy is appropriating the whole cursed schtick from Reddit. Even just seeing the subbnames like
makes me laughWhat’s wrong with open in Microsoft edge and no tabs?
open in microsoft edge could technically be used to open in any chromium browser…
I use an extension in edge for opening things in Firefox, by the same guy. It can technically run any command on your system, but requires a daemon on your computer to do so
Its hard to put “bad Addons” from cringe to wtf to evil-corp into one pot.
- open in MS Edge.
Why would you do that. This would 1. mean you are using Windows 2. Use this browser that is not more secure than Firefox Flatpak and tracks users.
If you want Videocalls, simply use an unhardened Firefox profile. “What is a profile?” If you dont know that, you dont need them as EVERYTHING will just work (WebGL, WebRTC, no fingerprinting resistance).
And normal websites should ALL work even on Arkenfox + Noscript.
- No Tabs
This is so much how the Windows Explorer feels after using a capable File Manager like basically every on Linux.
MAYBE your OS has some fancy way its way better having several windows open that having a few small rectangle carts at the top. But I dont think that.
Haha okay, until recently I had 949 Tabs open.
But anyways. Autodeleting tabs for minimalism? I get that. Not using tabs at all?? The “Windows way”?? No damn way. Even Microsoft got it now in their damn slow Explorer.
These are just functionality you don’t want which they also say they do, nothing seems to be wrong with the addons themselves… I could say the both for a bee theme on the marketplace and put it in cursed if that’s really the reason
No they dont offer functionality I dont want. Security? Privacy? Of course! They do false promises and trick users that… you know have an Antivirus program on their system.
How do these extensions do that? I’m not sure what you mean, I tried it and later uninstalled it a few days ago and saw nothing wrong… The open in edge extension literally just adds the edge protocol in front of the link
Haha I guess the open in edge addon has nothing wrong in its code.