Neither really. Telegram is closed source on the servers and is known to cooperate with governments and law enforcement. Signal is the better option but I refuse to use an app that requires my phone number when alternatives like Matrix; XMPP; and Session exist. My phone number is tied to my name; address; and payment methods. It’s not a small ask of Signal in my opinion.
IMO Signal is about having private communications, not anonymity. Sure, apps like SimpleX Chat and Session are great, but they are useless without someone to chat with. Signal is, for the average user, the perfect balance of privacy and convenience. Your chances of getting people to switch to Signal are higher than to others because of its simplicity.
Neither really. Telegram is closed source on the servers and is known to cooperate with governments and law enforcement. Signal is the better option but I refuse to use an app that requires my phone number when alternatives like Matrix; XMPP; and Session exist. My phone number is tied to my name; address; and payment methods. It’s not a small ask of Signal in my opinion.
IMO Signal is about having private communications, not anonymity. Sure, apps like SimpleX Chat and Session are great, but they are useless without someone to chat with. Signal is, for the average user, the perfect balance of privacy and convenience. Your chances of getting people to switch to Signal are higher than to others because of its simplicity.