The RTS genre will never be mainstream
StarCraft: exists
Lmao what the fuck is this guy even talking about
Starcraft hasn’t been mainstream for over a decade.
Which one? Sc1 is still a mainstream game in Korea played religiously. Sc2 on the other hand is losing players since it didn’t hook people the same way (impossible to do, people only have one childhood to waste nostalgia on). That’s understandable though since there hasn’t been new content for it for a long time.
And then you find out that a premium mount in WoW made more money than the entirety of Wings of Liberty and you kinda understand why they haven’t made a new one.
For real - I’m visiting Seoul right now and I’ve popped into a couple of Internet cafes just to see what’s what. Tons of people still play SC1. There are, like, championships here for SC1, and they seem to have quite a decently large following.
The problem with modern RTS games is that developers don’t really make proper RTS games. You don’t see C&C or SC anymore, instead you get a mixture of tactical missions, RPG levelling and other shit. I don’t want to play stealth infiltration missions and level up my hero, that’s not RTS.
Wasn’t that going on as far back as WC3? If I wanted an RPG I would have bought one.
Yeah, that’s why it’s not on my list. The first two games were better.