One of the best ST episodes. Dark. But not the darkest. That one’s Hard Time, also DS9. When O’Brien is condemned and has decades of memory of incarceration implanted before his superiors can get their butts down to the planet. Then we see his descent to the bottom.
Not necessarily dark, but I think the most tragic is “The Sound of Her Voice” where they try to rescue the standard captain on an unbreathable atmosphere planet…
One of the best ST episodes. Dark. But not the darkest. That one’s Hard Time, also DS9. When O’Brien is condemned and has decades of memory of incarceration implanted before his superiors can get their butts down to the planet. Then we see his descent to the bottom.
I’m pretty sure the darkest ST episode was Enterprise’s Rogue Planet.
You can’t see a thing!
That is definitely a top contender!
Not necessarily dark, but I think the most tragic is “The Sound of Her Voice” where they try to rescue the standard captain on an unbreathable atmosphere planet…
Tap for spoiler
And she was dead the whole time
The last scene is a little heavy handed with its foreshadowing, but it’s one of my favorite bottle episodes.