How is the game? I didn’t back it because it seemed like a lot of admin
It’s…a lot of admin! I like it; you’re all in the same combat with enemies attacking each player. So you can focus stuff down together. No doubt it’s lots of steps per action
Yeah, I played the demo on tabletop simulator, and the amount of steps between each turn was just insane, the game lost a lot of its magic because of all of the upkeep. It’s especially difficult knowing I could just fire up the game on my switch or computer and not have to do any of that Admin.
Very cool. Painting up models that come in these boxed games makes a big difference!
Right? We just played Nemesis non painted for the first time and we were like… But it’s so gray
Great Paintjobs, love the colored ring of the base
Thanks! I’m quite happy with that part. I don’t really know what I’m doing paint wise but these came out nice