I keep reading how hard it is to get this game running. I’m still quite new to Linux. Whats the easiest way to get this game working?
From what I’ve seen, you’ll need to download the unofficial patch and install it using Protontricks (available on the Discover store).
- Run protontricks
- select VTMB (it may not show up if it’s on a microSD, you’ll either need to use flatseal (from Discover) to let protontricks access your microSD or move the game to internal storage
- select the default wineprefix
- Run explorer
- Navigated the files to the Z: drive and locate your downloads folder or where ever you downloaded the patch
- Run the patch and install as normal
After that, run the game with the launch options:
-full -width 1280 -height 800 -game Unofficial_Patch
Unfortunately, I don’t own the game, so I can’t promise this is all working. Some guides from a year ago have been updated to say they’re broken now. If you do all that but the game isn’t working well, try older versions of Proton (Mostly 6 & 7) and see if they work any better.
I’m gonna assume that it doesn’t play nice with the deck controls, does it?
I’m sure there are some community control layouts for it that will provide decent controls.
Damn dude that’s sucks. I really appreciate your response tho.
Just popping in to say that I love that some of us are still playing this game 😂
Not me, but I’m TRYING to play it lmao