I’m using StartAllBack on my 22H2 Win 11 Pro ARM VM without issue. Works perfect, uses less resources than the default shell, and Windows updates are still coming in.
This isn’t preventing Windows Updates, though, it’s preventing major upgrades (i.e. 22H2 to 23H2). You still get security updates and maintenance updates, and I believe you can also force the upgrade if you so wish, you just don’t get auto upgraded because of known compatibility conflicts.
I’m using StartAllBack on my 22H2 Win 11 Pro ARM VM without issue. Works perfect, uses less resources than the default shell, and Windows updates are still coming in.
This isn’t preventing Windows Updates, though, it’s preventing major upgrades (i.e. 22H2 to 23H2). You still get security updates and maintenance updates, and I believe you can also force the upgrade if you so wish, you just don’t get auto upgraded because of known compatibility conflicts.
Gotcha, thanks for the clarification