Im on a Dell G5 15 laptop with a 1660ti. I set my built in monitor to 125%, and that looks fine, but for some reason my second monitor seems to be zoomed in a bunch, even though that is still at 100% I kinda need my laptop screen zoomed in since its so small, any advice? Pop!_OS LTS, dont remember version, but says “most recent”

    11 months ago

    X11 is pretty janky regarding fractional scaling across multiple monitors. This should be improved when Pop!OS upgrades to CosmicDE which uses Wayland by fefault.

    • I was going to suggest the opposite. I have nothing but problems with fractional scaling on Wayland, which is one of the main reasons I still run X. My main workstation has 3 monitors, and X’s fractional scaling works smoothly.

      With a lot of distros defaulting to Wayland, it’d be interesting to know which OP is running, and causing them grief. Does Pop!OS use X only for now?