Gul Dukat definitely has Zap Brannigan energy.
That basically was Bajor
But it was the will of the prophets!
The Cardassian version of John Lennon’s “imagine”.
Imagine there’s no Federation
It’s easy if you try
No Bajor below us
Above us only a fleet of Galor-class destroyers ready to seize our rightful place at the head of the Alpha quadrant
“No root beer, too.”
I pictured this with Dukat’s voice but Jack Handy’s cadence…
Glad I’m not the only one.
One thing Bajorans like is to be tricked. For instance, I was going to take Nerys to the Eastern Province, but instead I transported her to an old burned-out fire cave. “Oh, no,” I said. “The Eastern Province burned down.” She cried and cried, but I think that deep down, she thought it was a pretty good joke. I started to transport over to the real Eastern Province, but it was getting pretty late.