This comic is part of an ongoing story that might make more sense with full context.
First (and previous) comic in this story
Next comic in this story
If you want to read that stream of consciousness more easily, it’s under the comic on my site.
I don’t think she knows what an aboleth is.
She doesn’t.
Defaulting to a professional inquiry is a valid method of overcoming anxiety. Paladins are supposed to fight monsters. Aboleths are bad and tend to need disposed of. It’s a perfectly legitimate question. Out of left field, perhaps, but this apparently badass adventurer is probably the most likely person she’s met all day to actually have a line on some Aboleths blood.
So cute 🥰 can’t wait for tomorrow!
Also, that background is gorgeous.
I mixed together some designs from a few different old English cathedral cloisters, but I’m afraid I didn’t keep my reference photos.
Here is that art of Razira in full size. (I drew the background separately and pasted her into it.)
Love these! All your characters are adorable
We know she’s not a HOrc because she’s green, not grey. She’s probably some sort of plant-person.
Well then call me vegetarian because I’m about to eat her up.
R: Wh-whaat?
Per the PHB: “Half-orcs exhibit a blend of orcish and human characteristics, and their appearance varies widely. Grayish skin tones and prominent teeth are the most common shared elements among these folk.”
Grey is the most common skin tone tone, but browns and greens appear a lot in WotC art - There’s plenty of official WotC key art showing green half-orcs in 5e. The DM of my game chose the appearance of this character, as she’s an NPC - trust me, the art would have been a LOT easier for me if she were grey.
Here is official WotC art for a half-orc from 2017, it’s one of the playable characters in Dragonfire.
You keep doing this for OP’s goblin OC as well. There’s lots of official WotC art of green goblins, including the current Monsters of the Multiverse art that’s being used as the default art for the goblin lineage.
It’s kind of rude to tell people that their character designs aren’t valid just because you don’t approve of their choice of skin-tone.