When I was working minimum wage at a gas station many eons ago, we would have ‘2 for $x’ specials where x is less than 2 times the individual price of whatever item.
People would often not want to buy 2, but I would ring up 2 in the till for the special price and charge them for the single. Then when the next person did the same, I would charge them for the other single.
So over the day, I would sell 10 energy drinks at say $4, but ring them up as 5 ‘2 for $6’ specials. This would put the till up by $10, and then I would use that $10 to have a free meal.
Anyone else do anything like that?
Uhhhhh honey what you’re describing is called “theft”. Also known as “fraud” if you want a different name.
But to answer your question, I usually shit during working hours, so I get paid to shit. It’s a great feeling.
Lol not much to lose when you’re on min wage.
You have nothing to lose, but your chains
Boss gets a dollar, I get a dime. That’s why I always shit on company time
Haha thanks buddy
Is it?? I get it might be bending the rules slightly, but I can hardly believe it counts as theft
It’s actually theft by conversion.
Close, its conspiracy
It might be more obvious if you increase the volume.
Immagine that your employer has instructed you to sell 1 bottle for $3, but you can sell a whole pallet containing 500 bottles for $1000 (coming out at $2 per bottle). So you ring up the whole pallet and pay it off over the next few days by adding $2 to the cash register and keep $1 for each sale. Over those days, you have made one single sale of a pallet, while pocketing $500.
The work hours which was meant for you to generate sales of $3 bottles has been reduced to effectively selling $2 bottles, while the remaining expected value ended in your pocket.
As others have said, I don’t really care about big corporations losing out on some money, but you are 100% stealing when you reduce the expected sales value and pocket the difference during your work hours.
Personally I don’t care and I don’t really think it’s THAT unethical, but it is definitely theft. So be aware if you pull little tricks like that in the future. If you get caught, you’ll DEFINITELY get fired and your employer MIGHT press charges (and they would win).
Per https://solink.com/resources/top-types-employee-theft/ it’s basically “Skimming”:
Your implementation sounds pretty close to the coupon version.
Are your bosses ever going to notice? Unlikely. And if they did they’d probably fire you at worst, rather than press charges.
Now, that said, if your manager or employee handbook or any other source of authority at your job says it’s okay, then it is (excepting, of course, if they explicitly tell you it isn’t) - but that’s because it’s a benefit your employer has given you rather than one you’ve taken.
Hmm similar yes. I wouldn’t get fired, I would get a warning at most. We have employee protection laws here.
The shop is getting the correct amount of money, nobody loses, nobody cares.
I guarantee some busybody middle manager would care, especially if they wanted to fire someone and were trying to find a reason.
@PeachMan wasn’t saying this because they have some ethical problem with what OP is doing, they are saying this because this is technically what OP is doing, and could be held liable for if it was ever brought to the wrong persons attention.