Copying from the weekly thread, over at ! :
Finished Summer Knight by Jim Butcher. Fourth book of The Dresden Files. Things keep getting worse, stakes keep getting higher, Harry keep going through hell. Same old, same old.
Currently Reading Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King and Owen King. It was recommended on reddit for books similar to the comic Y: The Last Man. I didn’t used to like Stephen King much before, but I can understand why. Book is 700 pages long, and first 100 or so pages were pretty much just a set up. I didn’t use to have patience for such slow books in my youth, though I am enjoying it now.
What about you guys? What have you been reading?
P.S: I have mentioned the ! (and the weekly thread) a few times here. Didn’t see any rules against that, and am just trying to increase engagement for books-related communities, but if there’s any issue with that, I can stop doing it. (Disclaimer, I am a mod there)
I’m slooowly reading Sharp Ends by Joe Abercrombie.
Nice. How are you liking it?
Quite good! Was one story where some people meet on a bridge that got me really smiling.
Abercrombie-August has stretched into September. After finishing the First Law Trilogy, I started reading the copy of The Heroes I picked up from a bookstore over the summer. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen someone create this very detailed examination of a wholly imaginary battle. It’s like I picked up one of my dad’s books on Gettysburg, except there’s a scheming wizard hanging around.
After this, I’m eyeing something breezy like Dome City Blues by Jeff Edwards or A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. I read Babel last month, and I’ve come to terms with my weakness for: “London but with Magic.” I also want to jump on More Perfect by Temi Oh. I saw Hadestown last winter, and I’m in for some reinterpretations of the Orpheus/Eurydice story.
I should get back to First Law Trilogy one of these days. The Heroes is the next book on list.
Haven’t heard of the other books you mentioned, would love to hear your opinion once you have read them.
Welp, I tore through The Heroes in less than a week 😆 – not only did I like it, but it’s made me certain I’m going to read the other two “First Law World” books. Doing Darker Shade of Magic now it’s… okay so far. Feels a bit young-adulty for my tastes right now.
Say one thing for Logen Ninefingers, say he’s a fun POV character.
Luckily Abercrombie has a wide cast of bloody-handed northmen, scheming wizards, cringing nobles, and other fun miscreants after the Bloody Nine has left the stage. A big thing I loved about The Heroes is how it managed to bring me a whole new crop of characters to enjoy, and lose, just contained in that book. I’m excited about the “industrial revolution” sequel trilogy with a next generation of characters. It’s like my father always said: Once you have a sequel trilogy, it’s better to read it than live with the fear it.
After all, you have to be realistic about these things.
@cdipierr try Savage Dominion by Luke Chmilenko after you’re done with Abercrombie! I’m currently on Blood Song by Anthony Ryan which I would also recommend.