• Controversial game The Day Before will have servers shut down in January 2024, just 45 days after its troubled launch.
• Developer Fntastic has closed down and the entire project will cease to exist, leaving players unable to purchase or play the game.
• Steam will automatically refund remaining players and Mytona, the investor, has been collaborating with Steam to facilitate refunds for all purchasers.
This was a scam from the start. They fucked themselves because their trailer was popular and they promised the world. Their goal was to create a shit early access game with pre-made assets, get lots of buy in when it was released, endure some bad reviews, promise to fix things but then slowly dump support for the game. I’ve watched this exact thing happen probably ten times now.
What killed them was the hype and popularity. They were called out immediately for what they were doing and got stuck having to now make an actual game or face legal repercussions.
At the very least these cash grabs are getting spotted early and they’re not getting to sneak by without facing consequences.
I get the impression there is a lot of this bait and switch in the mobile gaming circuit with great game play shown on IG ads but the actual gameplay is nothing like advertised?
Lasted less than Liz Truss lmaooo
I was so confused by the headline, kept waiting to see what the name of the game was
All it needed was to not have all the words capitalized, just the game name.
Relevant xkcd
The should have been “Servers For Game The Day Before Shutting Down After Just 45 Days”
That’s still confusing lol. I think the only thing that would’ve helped is quotes around the game title.
Refund the game while you still can, if you were silly enough to buy it… Don’t let these scammers get away with such nonsense.
Everybody will automatically refunded
Was not aware, that’s great
Well, that’s 43 days longer than I expected.
Howd this game get so much attention in the first place? Theres so many fraudulent mobile games flooding app stores every single day.
Skill Up had a very good video describing the whole history of this debacle.
In a way it’s great that people get their money back, in another way maybe people would learn to not believe the hype if they didn’t…