Inb4: Millennials killing the economy by not eating.
This just sounds like the “millennials can’t afford houses because of avocado toast” argument in a different wrapper.
To be fair lots of adults should probably skip breakfast.
I skip breakfast, but make up for it with double brunch
To save money, we should skip billionaires.
Jokes on you I already skip breakfast to save on calories
Skip breakfast, eat the rich
To save money, maybe you should eat the rich.
What do you mean the poors have no flour to bake bread? Let them eat
cakenothingRember a while ago when there was the joke tweet “sleeping in and skipping breakfast, how yonprofot off your depression”
Well apparently this person saw this and the part they had a problem with was the sleeping in part.
I wanna see the article “how to make money by killing rich people and taking their stuff”
How about just die? You will save the government taxes and solve the housing crisis
Seems ridiculous but that article was written dozens of times during the pandemic except instead of solving the housing crisis it was solving the corporate real estate crisis… of not making unlimited money for nothing.
Why are middle class blamed for everything in Communist ideology? Why isn’t it the rich who control and manipulate everything?
The bourgeois are the rich. You have been misreading the whole thing.
It is of the middle class, but it seems that over time the concept was refined into more modern meanings.
A mediocre, materialistic class that worships money sounds about right as it doesn’t discriminate between being actually rich or poor.
It used to be about the middle class but outgrew it as the doctrine aged and refined itself.
You’re using a definition from a random dictionary. This is neither the original meaning of the term nor the one Marxists use. The version you looked up is a “new” bastardization of the original term.
The bourgeois class under marxism is the class that makes money by owning capital through the labor of others. Think about people who own businesses or have large investments. They don’t make all that money themselves, they make it from people who work in facilities they own.
There is something called petite bourgeois that could be called middle class. These are small business owners who both work their own business but also have employees they profit from. Marxists care about how you make money, not how much.
I’m sure that the makers of the dictionary would take offense being Merriam Webster… however you are correct in that they are inaccurate.
A very simple etymological search shows that that bourgeoisie in french means “a class of business owners and merchants from the late middle ages”.
Meaning, people who make money from the labor of others (not providing goods or services). Your note of the petite bourgeoisie fits here nicely.
Thank you for the provoked little journey of discovery. Also no, I’m not real.
Glad you learned something. Normally this is where I get told that the marxist version of the term is wrong or dumb even though it’s closer to the original meaning than the modern definition.
I am sure the authors of Merriam Webster don’t mean anything harmful. Dictionaries update their definitions based on how they see the term being used, and many modern people don’t respect the original meaning of the term. In political circles we still use the original meaning. You can see why this causes confusion.
Considering I almost never eat breakfast in the first place, not eating breakfast would not be a major change in my life at all. Hell, it’s not even a financial problem causing me to skip breakfast. It’s just that I don’t like it.
I skip lunch. Breakfast at 10am, dinner at 6pm 😎
I can’t read the original article but in the context I’m getting (cpi report) the title is either sarcastic or incredibly stupid.
The comunist spin is cringy. Please stop.
In a period where the biggest constant public health threat is obesity and food is wasted by millions of tons each year I somehow stubbornly don’t think that the problem with having what to eat is a real.
I mean, y’all could just stop eating animal products and do the animals and the climate a huge favor. But I know that’ll never happen.
Yay! Veganism !!
Well obviously, vegetarian food gets old real fckin quick
Just get chickens. They produce a ton of eggs and manure for gardening. Outside of the coop they’ve got to be the cheapest, most worthwhile investment of my adult life. 3 eggs for breakfast everyday and I’m still swimming in them.
Is swimming in eggs the latest beauty trend?
Not that I’m aware of lol and I have an 800 page book on what to do with extra eggs
You never if you don’t try
Yeah I don’t want to lock up a bunch of chickens just so I can steal their eggs. Totally unnecesssry
Steal their eggs? What do you belive the hens so with unfertilized eggs? Nothing. It’s just waste to them, like when you menstruate.
And common people who hold hens have them free-range, and only “lock them up” at night to protect them from predators. They will live a very happy and caring life.
Stop being ignorant and naive. You’re not helping your vegan cause by spewing uneducated comments like these.
They are the happiest chickens in the world. They get fresh vegetable scraps and free range during the day. They are locked up at night for their protection. I’m not stealing their eggs any more than they are stealing my feed.