[I’m not sure if you would consider any of these as out right spoilers but proceed with possible spoilers in mind regardless]
photo mode is a blessing. Needs more character options like fo76 with facial expressions and some more poses but otherwise it’s A1. Enjoy.
Fresh new face of constellation
Made the front page
Another day, Another credit
What a view
New pilot of the Ghost
I hate sand…
Still hate sand…
Go for launch
Made for wanderers
“Huh, that’s strange.”
“petah how are you doing that?”
Ghost on approach
that’s no moon…oh wait
The lush green
Good use of the overlays there. Most of mine haven’t worked out nearly so well.
I did like this one, though. Very 1950s pulp SciFi, I thought.
Looks great!
Video game or not, that’s some good photography
Thank you! It’s crazy that I play on cloud from a Dino 1st gen Xbox
How has your experience been so far with the cloud gaming? Having fun?
Holy cow is it amazing. I just today beat the main quest and hit lvl 40 and am still loving it. I went in with the LOWEST of expectations and was pleasantly blown away. I get 0 input delay and it’s the smoothest gameplay I’ve ever had with a cloud title. The way my schedule is set up I also don’t get tied up with sever wait times locally because all the kids are in school! The only instances I’ve seen wait times are on weekends or late nights (9/10:30est) but even then it’s maximum 5 min. All in all I have to say for a “Made specifically for X/S” title, I give it a 10 out of 10 from my dinky dinosaur Xbox one and 100% believe it could have made BANK on previous gen.
I’m having the exact same experience on the SteamDeck. Currently level 20 with about 50 hours in.
There are so many questlines and each are so damn good. Glad your having a good time!
Nice compositions!