Seriously, a lot of CEOs and most managers could be much more easily replaced by AI than the workers. Run some analysis on some metrics lay off people based on that. Go over the market analytics, direct staff to work on derivative versions of the products that have good numbers, cancel products that don’t. I’m not even sure if you really need AI for this, a very basic script could handle a lot of it.
Of course a program would be lacking in the common sense to say “Nobody is going to drop a week’s pay so they can go into a virtual world where they’re a poorly drawn legless cartoon character”. But present day CEOs make these mistakes anyway. It wouldn’t be good, but it wouldn’t be worse than the status quo.
Keep these CEO memes coming. These assholes need to have a spotlight shown on them. A company is not a person, a company is ran by people.
They’re laughing all the way to the bank. The have not one care for what you or I think of them
They do if we threaten their pockets or their lives.
Historically, which one is targeted is their choice.
I’ve heard eating them works too.
I’d rather steal from them. There’s a Brazilian saying, “A thief that steals from a thief has 100 years of forgiveness”
We have the same saying in Spanish, but it’s 1000 in our case, so if you steal do it in Rodrigo Montoya way :)
Only one has ever really gotten their attention. They can always make more money.
Should name the companies as well.
And the share holders
Just replace ceos with AI lol
Seriously, a lot of CEOs and most managers could be much more easily replaced by AI than the workers. Run some analysis on some metrics lay off people based on that. Go over the market analytics, direct staff to work on derivative versions of the products that have good numbers, cancel products that don’t. I’m not even sure if you really need AI for this, a very basic script could handle a lot of it.
Of course a program would be lacking in the common sense to say “Nobody is going to drop a week’s pay so they can go into a virtual world where they’re a poorly drawn legless cartoon character”. But present day CEOs make these mistakes anyway. It wouldn’t be good, but it wouldn’t be worse than the status quo.