I’m about to sound like the ignorant American I am, so I apologize in advance! We’re looking at a trip to Germany, and possibly Prague, and we’ve noticed that a lot of the hotel names are French and a couple hotels that aren’t named in French have replied to comments with things like “Bonjour! etc etc” What’s up with this? Is French just the most commonly spoken common language, even in Germany and Czechia? (I know that Germany and Czechia have their own languages, of course.) Or is it something else?
You’re American. Marketing data says that you like all things French and Italian.
Guess what happens next in this salesforce driven industry?
East of Munich you’re best bet is German, but English is also spoken widely. West of Munich you’re more or less fine with English. In the northern countries we are used to the fact no one speaks our language so we all speak English, a lot of people French and a lot of German because it’s close to our own.
Italians try English. As do most Spanish. Try is the magic word here, it’s like your Spanish after high school or my French. :)
French don’t try. They speak French. Period. In hotels etc. (tourist spots) English is spoken by few employees. But they are there. :)
In the balkans the situation is mixed. Some parts English, some German, some French, some Russian. I get by with an English/German mix in Croatia. my German is better then my French… But not a lot). Here in the Netherlands my level of German is widely called “steenkolen Duits” (coal German) because it’s course, harsh, hard and dirty)
Anyway you’ll be fine. Have a great vacation.
This is not true anymore it’s the boomer generation that do this, most of the time people know a bit of English, which they will try even if you attempt to talk to them in French.
Unless you’re in Paris, but that’s just a general Parisian trait, based on a something hated for tourists.
I’ve traveled quite a bit to different places in France within the past few years, both large an small cities, and the vast majority of people i meet, even younger people (<30), have either so bad English skills that they are really hard to communicate with, or none at all. Meeting someone in France with proper English skill is definitely the exception rather than the rule IME.
Yeah skill wise it differs wildly, however the inflexible ‘we’re in France so you must speak French and i know not a single bit of English’ mentality is out. That’s what I thought you were on about.
Often they do try and most across all demographics know a little bit and are often eager to try. Even an old nun at a Christian thrift store tried taking to me in English.
My most jarring experience was with a waiter, he asked “English or French?” When I entered the restaurant, I answered “English please” and he just shook his head and said “no”…like, why would you ask then!?
20 years ago it would have been “we’re closed” in English and “bienvenue” in French.
I just left Paris a week ago and 100% of the service staff I came across were very friendly and almost all of them spoke passable to excellent English. I’d say “bonjour” and they’d start talking to me in English. As a tourist with only extremely basic French remembered from high school, it was really nice to experience how false the stereotypes were.
Nope, it’s not just Paris, although Paris is worse than the rest of the country.
Compared to the level of English that people in other European countries speak, the French are probably among the worst.
I have been to France in 2000, 2010 and last year, and this last time I was unable to use French with waiters and cashiers in Paris. They realized my French was not exactly fluent and immediately switched to English. Very surprising, but at least in Paris youngish people seemed positively eager to use English instead of French. And the skills were passable, too - generally way better than my French.
The last time I was in France, which was around 2009, everyone answered me in English.
Even though French is my second language.
That’s actually not the etymology. Steenkolenduits (spelled without a space) is a riff on steenkolenengels, which was the basic/broken English spoken by dockworkers with sailors on incoming British coal ships (steenkolenboten).
Thank you for clearing it up
Yep, we try English. We are not very good at it (thanks Mussolini) and the situation is not gonna improve. But you’ll survive, even here. Last time I was in a hotel here a foreigner was communicating with the receptionist via Google Translate ;p
Mussolini came to power a hundred years ago. That’s one century. It takes a couple of years to learn English to a passable degree. How can Mussolini possibly be blamed for how badly Italians speak English today?
Mussolini’s nationalism led to movie dubbing. Still to this day we dub everything (tv series, documentaries, you name it). Since TV was and still is via steaming the main spreader of language, you can understand why we didn’t learn English the way other countries did.
I mean, I feel like I’ve been seen, but also called out. 😂 Thank you for all of this info!