Tl;dr: Awesome

Was officially diagnosed and put on medication (MPH/Medikinet) 5 weeks ago. I work far from where I live, so I got my own one-room apartment with a cat near my workplace and at the weekends I commute home to my wife and our shared apartment. I take my meds in the morning and they last for 7 hours. So, when the meds have an effect, I’m always at my workplace, but when I come back home to my working apartment in the evening, the effect is gone and I’m unmotivated again. Or it’s the weekends and I’m at my “real” home with my wife, doing all sorts of activities.

This means, everytime I was at my “work” apartment, I was unmotivated to do anything. The apartment looked just like you would expect it after 1.5 years.

Today is my first day at my work apartment with the meds working, and suddenly, I’m cleaning like a single guy expecting to get laid. No forcing necessary, no motivating tricks. I see something I don’t like and I do it. I can prioritize and focus and it requires no effort.

Medication really turns your life around when it works. And neurotypicals will never experience how much they play on easy mode.

Cat tax.

  • SomeDude@feddit.deOP
    1 year ago

    My elderly neighbors are taking him in over the weekends :) He loves them a lot and they love him :)

      1 year ago

      Is there anything unwholesome about any part of this story? That’s so lovely. I’m a complete stranger but I’m happy you’re experiencing such a positive shift in your life, it’s really heart-warming. Neurotypical people may never get the chance to experience something so amazing.

      Please hug your kitty with your new-found energy. And maybe get your wife (and neighbours?) some flowers or snacks as a thankyou. Your new chapter is something worth celebrating with them.