… except cannabis, presuming you don’t have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. Nearly no one has ever died of a marijuana overdose. Compare that to alcohol (or, indeed, water). In fact, the only reason I say “nearly” is just in case; its safety has been known for a long time.
This is in fact one of the core reasons why I finally stopped being a straightedge and accepted taking it. (Though smoking is still a no-no and the worst way to experience anything, basically.)
Fun fact: alprazolam (Xanax) also has a ridiculously high LD50, about 1220mg/kg in female rats. For a human that weighs 57kg, that works out to 69.5 grams, or about 2.5oz of pure alprazolam. The maximum dose for prescription is 4mg, or .004g; you would need to ingest >17,000 4mg bars of Xanax to consume a fatal dose.
Almost all of the time, “fatal overdoses” of Xanax are in combination with other drugs, like alcohol, which can act as a synergist and depress respiration. But most of the time, you’ll just black out for a few days.
(But. We don’t know that actual LD50 in humans, only in rats and mice. It’s possible that the human LD50 is either lower or higher.)
There’s a lot of things that are toxic at high levels but the typical volume avaliable commercially is never going to work, you need some kind of refined to the toxic elements only type of substance, which there’s at least a possibility no one has figured out how to do that refinement, as there’s no sense in it.
Toxic =/= deadly. You can absolutely consume enough cannabis to trigger a toxic response. It won’t kill you, but you may wish it did. Just because it’s not “deadly” doesn’t mean it’s good for you in any dose.
True, I’m not saying to go nuts on it at all! All I’m saying is that, relative to alcohol or other actually bad drugs, it’s incredibly mild on average. Same with psilocybin; these two consistently top charts in relative drug safety. All other mind-altering substances are more dangerous (again, on average).
Everything is toxic if you eat too much of it
Even water!
… except cannabis, presuming you don’t have a genetic disposition to schizophrenia. Nearly no one has ever died of a marijuana overdose. Compare that to alcohol (or, indeed, water). In fact, the only reason I say “nearly” is just in case; its safety has been known for a long time.
This is in fact one of the core reasons why I finally stopped being a straightedge and accepted taking it. (Though smoking is still a no-no and the worst way to experience anything, basically.)
That’s just because the amount needed to OD is extremely large. You’re more likely to die from other reasons consuming enough marijuana to OD from it.
Fun fact: alprazolam (Xanax) also has a ridiculously high LD50, about 1220mg/kg in female rats. For a human that weighs 57kg, that works out to 69.5 grams, or about 2.5oz of pure alprazolam. The maximum dose for prescription is 4mg, or .004g; you would need to ingest >17,000 4mg bars of Xanax to consume a fatal dose.
Almost all of the time, “fatal overdoses” of Xanax are in combination with other drugs, like alcohol, which can act as a synergist and depress respiration. But most of the time, you’ll just black out for a few days.
(But. We don’t know that actual LD50 in humans, only in rats and mice. It’s possible that the human LD50 is either lower or higher.)
There’s a lot of things that are toxic at high levels but the typical volume avaliable commercially is never going to work, you need some kind of refined to the toxic elements only type of substance, which there’s at least a possibility no one has figured out how to do that refinement, as there’s no sense in it.
I mean yeah that’s their point, the dose needed to OD on THC is bonkers, so it’s pretty much perfectly safe
So? My point still stands that it’s one of the safest mind-altering substances in the world, overdose-wise.
Toxic =/= deadly. You can absolutely consume enough cannabis to trigger a toxic response. It won’t kill you, but you may wish it did. Just because it’s not “deadly” doesn’t mean it’s good for you in any dose.
True, I’m not saying to go nuts on it at all! All I’m saying is that, relative to alcohol or other actually bad drugs, it’s incredibly mild on average. Same with psilocybin; these two consistently top charts in relative drug safety. All other mind-altering substances are more dangerous (again, on average).