The point for this post is to start several (hopefully) interesting threads of weird hamster death stories because apparently these things never die naturally?

    26 days ago

    My sibling’s class was having a biology lesson on the circulatory system that day and they were supposed to open up the little hamster to watch his tiny heart beat inside its cracked ribcage. The teacher asured them that because of chloroform, the hamster wouldn’t feel a thing. Sibling, horrified, bought the critter from the kid who brought it to school for the experiment for a quarter so when mom pivked us up that day from school, we had an extra passenger. Next day we went and got all the hamster paraphernalia we could pay for with our savings and set her up in my sibling’s room. Two days after this, the hamster gave birth to a whole litter. Mom was very angry and disgusted, but it wasn’t for long because, out of stress I think, the hamster started eating her young. She ate them all and next morning we found her dead stuck between the cage wall and the exercise wheel.

    I was a sensitive child and this whole event added to my already exisiting CPTSD.