I found that stone was used for weight commonly up until recent times. I’ve been asked in person and one form what my weight is in kg (I think maybe health insurance?)
Same with Lbs and pints, but also milk. Every standard plastic milk carton is measured in pints, usually with ml/l printed on them these days. Smallest carton? 1 pint. Most common? 4. Giant carton 6 etc
How old are you? I’m mid 30s and grew up with stone for human weight, and kg for everything else.
LBs never (except baking from old recipe books), and pints for beer only.
I never know where the cutoff is for us lot.
I’m the same age
I found that stone was used for weight commonly up until recent times. I’ve been asked in person and one form what my weight is in kg (I think maybe health insurance?)
Same with Lbs and pints, but also milk. Every standard plastic milk carton is measured in pints, usually with ml/l printed on them these days. Smallest carton? 1 pint. Most common? 4. Giant carton 6 etc