This post made me think of it as it’s a good example of this.

Every now and then I encounter writing like this (often it’s something someone is showing me) and I just read it, and then I re-read it and then I re-re-read it and my mind just stays completely blank and I have no clue of what it’s saying. This seems to be happening to me quite regularly and honestly I feel quite stupid. I’m wondering if this is some ADHD / autism thing, granted that english is not my first language. However, like I said, it’s not that I don’t understand the words - just not the meaning of them together.

    2 months ago

    This post made me think of it as it’s a good example of this.

    That particular post is a combination of poor English grammar, is deeply referential to pop culture, and also has missing/skipped/misspelled words. Don’t feel bad its hard to parse.

    Here is his post corrected:

    No it’s because I don’t leave my house anymore unless I’m going to work or grocery shopping . Also because I haven’t been drinking at bars, and I don’t use apps. My carapace may is not be as chitinous as a xenomorph (referencing the 1970s and 80s Ridley Scott/James Cameron movies Alien/Aliens where the aliens had exoskeletons and acid blood), and I don’t have me a heart beating with the acid blood , . but Instead my personality is books and jokes, and but at least I don’t reproduce parasitically…(wait…shit I guess we do…)

    Does that make sense now?

      2 months ago

      I’m pretty sure OP is referring to the screenshotted text, not the first comment in the thread.