Well, I’ve just joined the cool kids, having being formally diagnosed this week. - Not that anyone was surprised. I think I aced the test.

The psych asked at the end how I felt about the diagnosis, and honestly I don’t know. I’m not sure I feel anything, maybe it’s because I’ve strongly suspected for many years. - is this normal?

So now what? Not sure if I should tell work, there seem to be pros and cons to it. Being technical my work is already pretty accommodating. Family already knew, and socially there isn’t a problem, as I don’t do social.

It all seems a bit anticlimactic, but at least I I’ll have a letter that says I’m not neuroboring.

  • greencactus@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Gg! Or something, I dunno.

    It is pretty normal to not feel a lot. I actually felt weighed down by the diagnosis. Different people have different experiences, your feeling is absolutely valid.

    I personally choose to not disclose mg diagnosis unless it brings me benefits. Basically I disclose it e.g. when it comes to accommodations (e.g. apartment or in university), and I’ve told a few close friends, but generally I prefer keeping it private.

    In the end I think it is important for you to figure out what your diagnosis means for you: is it a part of you, but other parts are independent from it, or does the diagnosis define you? It comes a bit down to the person vs identity first approach.

    Also don’t forget the diagnosis doesn’t change you as a person. I’d heavily recommend continuing your life as before, without implementing ant large changes for now. Give it time to settle.