I’ve sunk probably a thousand hours into Slay the Spire, have beaten Hades, and just finished Cult of the Lamb. Looking for something else to scratch that itch- preferably on switch. Any suggestions?
Update: Y’all convinced me. I bought Binding of Isaac and am excited to start. I also tried out Dead Cells via Netflix, but feel like I’d prefer it with a controller compared to mobile. Gonna start with Isaac, and wait for a sale on Dead Cells. Thank you for all the recommendations! I’m saving this thread for future reference.
Since you love Slay The Spire, you should try Balatro •<|:)€ ♤♡◇♧!
It’s the titular “Poker Rogue-lite” that’s taken the world by storm, and it certainly knows how to up the ante!
Mobile Trailer.
Mobile release.
This is an ad 👆
Lmfao, someone hasn’t beaten Red Stake. In all seriousness, do you really think LocalThunk would stoop that low? To using Lemmy bot ads to promote his game? Get real.
I sunk 25 hours into Balatro the first weekend I had it on PC. Also bought the mobile version when it came out, and have put an embarrassing amount of time into it.